Thursday, September 8, 2011

Film history project.

I have this problem chatting with my american friends.  I can understand every word they are saying, but I can't get the joke!

To me, language is much simpler than culture.  A lot of these jokes come from the movies that were popular before I am here.  So I got this idea of going through all time favorite films in US, or in film history.  Maybe by the end of this project, I will be able to understand more of my friends' jokes, also be able to use these films for my own animation reference.

This is already day 3 into my film history project.

I have watched Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino on day 1.  I now understand the reason a few years back my friend Cory made a huge deal when he got his bad mother f****r wallet.  I imagine this film is very innovative when it first came out.  The non-linear story structure still hooked me in after many years. And Uma Thurman is hot~~

Day 2, I watched The 400 Blows by François Truffaut, the defining film for the french new wave, a new way of telling story in a non linear form.  Directors have become the author of the story.  Yup, a lot of directors nowadays are influenced by this movement,  such as Quentin Tarantino, Wong Kar-wai.  Also last month when I was in Pixar master class, this film was mentioned for its acting.  A lot of the lines are improvised.  I guess that's one reason why it looked natural.  This movie is a character study film.  Later on Francois Truffaut made more films about this character, how he grew up, how he fell in love, got married.  I watched it on a rainy day, good mood setting, lol.

Today's menu~ Clockwork Orange by Stanley Kubrick.


  1. This is a great idea! I hope you like A Clockwork Orange. If you need and ideas on other films, ask us. We'll give you tons of ideas.

  2. haha thanks! I am on Godfather 1 now. Very good movie. Gonna find time to watch the second one. hehe

    1. the clockwork orange... Its very I am ok with the film though. Roger have Stanley Kubrick's collection set. I'll have to suck it up and go through them all. @@ I remember last time I attempted to watch space odyssey...attempted... fail after 20 minutes..
