Monday, November 22, 2010

Anticipation and Swing touch up.

I touched up the anticipation before he hit the ball and the swing.  The part where he's rotating his bat during anticipation, is not completely finished.  I want to leave that open until the body movements are all done.  Let's see what I need to do to move on to the next part!

[MINOR]  the head movement around 105, it doesn't feel right.  the head movement at 105 and 126 is too even, need to break it up.
[MINOR]  I really like 150s where TOBE lower his head, I want to try accentuate that. 
[MUST DO]  the right hand of course! need to grab the bat as well!
[MUST DO]  Little pop here and there in the hand 167 to 243.
[MUST DO]  Add a freakin ball...
[MUST DO]  at the hit, smooth the body out

That's it for now!  I shall touch up the rest after I finish these!

One of a Kind weekend!

This Sunday, since I got complimentary tickets to the one of a kind show, I thought might as well go take a look.  Well, it turned out to be OK.  Nothing too surprising.  There are some really pretty jewelry, pins, but I don't really wear them.  The price they were selling it at, definitely screamed out they are handmade.  But one booth, just made my whole trip worth it, is the booth at the cafe room.  I probably wouldn't notice it if we didn't sit down and relaxed a little bit.

It was an ornament painting booth! The nice lady saw us walking over and asked us if we want to try paint one.  Of course!  I love doing random things like this!  Best, it was free! Haha!

So we sit down, and the lady gave us two heart-shaped blank glass ornaments.  She started teaching us how to use different kind of paint on glass.  After a short one minute intro, we were off to create our one of a kind ornament!  We even bumped into Roger's old friend who was painting a unicorn right across the table from us!  Small world, lovely Sunday afternoon!

This is mine,

now all I gotta do is find a tree to hang it on!